Catholic temples in Zaporizhzhia

  • House of prayer

    Street Svitla, tel.
    Street Svitla, 10more
    Catholic temples House of prayer located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Svitla.
  • House of Prayer

    Street Molochna, tel.
    Street Molochna, 43аmore
    Catholic temples House of Prayer located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Molochna.
  • House of prayer

    Zaporizhzhia, Street Нагнибіди, tel.
    Zaporizhzhia, Street Нагнибіди, 3more
    Catholic temples House of prayer located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Нагнибіди.
  • Church

    Street Shkilna, tel.
    Street Shkilna, 26more
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Shkilna.
  • Часовня княгини Ольги

    Street Южноукраинская, tel.
    Street Южноукраинская, алеяmore
    Catholic temples Часовня княгини Ольги located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Южноукраинская.
  • Христос Есть Ответ

    Street Истомина, tel. 0 (61) 278-54... show
    Street Истомина, 106в, tel. +380(61)278-54-62 more
    Catholic temples Христос Есть Ответ located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Истомина.
  • Church

    Street Nezalezhnoi Ukrainy, tel.
    Street Nezalezhnoi Ukrainy, вулицяmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Nezalezhnoi Ukrainy.
  • Intercession Church

    Zaporizhzhia, Street Poshtova, tel.
    Zaporizhzhia, Street Poshtova, 137more
    Catholic temples Intercession Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Poshtova.
  • Church

    Boulevard Budivnykiv, tel.
    Boulevard Budivnykiv, 23more
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Boulevard Budivnykiv.
  • Church

    Zaporizhzhia, Street Zavodska, tel.
    Zaporizhzhia, Street Zavodska, 21аmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Zavodska.
  • Church

    Street Южноукраинская, tel.
    Street Южноукраинская, соборнийmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Южноукраинская.
  • Church

    Zaporizhzhia, Street Kyivska, tel.
    Zaporizhzhia, Street Kyivska, 41more
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Kyivska.
  • Храм Георгия Победоносца

    Street Zhukovkoho, tel.
    Street Zhukovkoho, 70вmore
    Catholic temples Храм Георгия Победоносца located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Zhukovkoho.
  • Church

    Zaporizhzhia, Street Evropeiska, tel.
    Zaporizhzhia, Street Evropeiska, мікрорайонmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Evropeiska.
  • Church

    Street Ukrainska, tel.
    Street Ukrainska, 2аmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Ukrainska.
  • Благая Весть

    Street Зачиняева, tel.
    Street Зачиняева, 78more
    Catholic temples Благая Весть located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Зачиняева.
  • Духовный центр Адвентистов

    Street Святого Николая, tel.
    Street Святого Николая, 1more
    Catholic temples Духовный центр Адвентистов located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Святого Николая.
  • Church

    Волынский Lane, tel.
    Волынский Lane, елеваторнаmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Волынский Lane.
  • Church

    Avenue 40-richya Peremohy, tel.
    Avenue 40-richya Peremohy, південнийmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Avenue 40-richya Peremohy.
  • Intercession Church

    Street Тараса Бульбы, tel.
    Street Тараса Бульбы, 14more
    Catholic temples Intercession Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Тараса Бульбы.
  • Церковь Петра Могилы

    Zaporizhzhia, Street Mykoly Krasnova, tel.
    Zaporizhzhia, Street Mykoly Krasnova, виробничаmore
    Catholic temples Церковь Петра Могилы located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Mykoly Krasnova.
  • Church

    Street Tavrichna, tel.
    Street Tavrichna, таврійськаmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Tavrichna.
  • Преображенская церковь

    Street Новостроек, tel.
    Street Новостроек, хортицькийmore
    Catholic temples Преображенская церковь located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Новостроек.
  • Церковь Эммануил

    Street Pishchana, tel.
    Street Pishchana, 5more
    Catholic temples Церковь Эммануил located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Pishchana.
  • Church

    Street Pishchana, tel.
    Street Pishchana, кварталmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Pishchana.
  • Церковь Иоанна Богослова

    Zaporizhzhia, Street Товарищеская, tel.
    Zaporizhzhia, Street Товарищеская, вулицяmore
    Catholic temples Церковь Иоанна Богослова located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Товарищеская.
  • Church

    Street Товарищеская, tel.
    Street Товарищеская, вулицяmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Товарищеская.
  • Church

    Zaporizhzhia, Street Avramenko, tel.
    Zaporizhzhia, Street Avramenko, шевченківськийmore
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Avramenko.
  • Армянская Церковь

    Street Peremohy, tel.
    Street Peremohy, вулицяmore
    Catholic temples Армянская Церковь located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Peremohy.
  • Дом Евангелия

    Street Ihora Sikorskoho, tel.
    Street Ihora Sikorskoho, 159аmore
    Catholic temples Дом Евангелия located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Ihora Sikorskoho.
  • House of prayer

    Street Zernova, tel.
    Street Zernova, 35more
    Catholic temples House of prayer located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Zernova.
  • Church

    Zaporizhzhia, Street Культурная, tel.
    Zaporizhzhia, Street Культурная, 11more
    Catholic temples Church located in Zaporizhzhia, Street Культурная.

A brief overview of catholic temples in Zaporizhzhia (Zaporizhia Oblast)

Here on this page is collected information about catholic temples, located in Zaporizhzhia (Zaporizhia Oblast). Locator knows about 32 catholic temples near this place among them House of prayer, House of Prayer, House of prayer and other , which are located on st. Svitla, st. Molochna, st. Нагнибіди and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these catholic temples.

  • How many catholic temples in Zaporizhzhia?

    According to Locator data in Zaporizhzhia operates 32 catholic temples.

  • Which catholic temples are best in Zaporizhzhia?

    Locator recommends to visit the following catholic temples in Zaporizhzhia: House of prayer, House of Prayer, House of prayer.

  • Where are the nearest catholic temples in Zaporizhzhia to me?

    To find out which catholic temples is closest to you, go to the Catholic temples in Zaporizhzhia page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for catholic temples services in Zaporizhzhia?

    Prices for catholic temples services in Zaporizhzhia depend on the specific service and catholic temples. Locator allows all catholic temples to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific catholic temples page.

  • Which catholic temples services in Zaporizhzhia are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact catholic temples, which has a high rating according to Locator: House of prayer, House of Prayer, House of prayer.

  • How to contact these catholic temples?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these catholic temples pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

Catholic temples in Zaporizhzhia